Phone Number

5810 Kennett Pike, Centreville, DE 19807



July 11th, 2023


Sips and Chips

Bring your own chair.  Social - no speaker - $30 per person.

Leonardo da Vinci said "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"  Wine and chips is a classic example. 

Also the best way to learn how to pair wine is with potato chips.

August 22nd

White Wines of France with Cheese and Crackers

Bring your own chair.  Social - no speaker.  - $30 per person

The thought is wines that would accompany an elegant picnic - so bring one if you wish


September 14th

Travel Series presented by just returning travelers

Travel Series class 1: On the Waters of  Southeast Europe with Richard (Hungary/Croatia/Serbia/Bulgaria/Romania) - $30 per person

October 17th

Travel Series class 2: Touring the Amalfi Coast with Mike - $30 per person    

November 16th

The Loves of the Shop:  Each of us will pick our favorite region/wine/grape and they will be presented by Gerry.  Needless to say the beginning will be Champagne representing ljc - .$50 per person

December 14

Wine and the Opera:  Both are intoxicating, heady and aphrodisiacal.  Presented by Ted.  This will be a most exciting evening.  Wine is the life blood of 19th century opera  - $30 per person

January 9th The Wines of the Southern Hemisphere : South Africa, Australia, Uraguay, New Zealand, Chile, and Argentina - $30 per person
   Reservations: Please email No phone calls please. 
  Classes run from 6 - 7:30 with a speaker, six wines and cheese unless otherwise stated.  A credit card is needed to secure your place.  The card will be put through 48 business hours before the event.  After that, no credits will be given or reservation moved to another class.  Please be sure you are available for the classes before signing up for them.  Please refrain from wearing scents.  
The Monthly Collier's Case $120.oo   Five reds, five whites a rose' and a bubbly.